Porque isto pode acontecer!
Por vezes há calçado e até roupa que deixam as nossas bonecas manchadas
Por vezes há calçado e até roupa que deixam as nossas bonecas manchadas
e nós ficamos... chateadas!!!
A Ana teve uma experiência dessas e partilhou connosco, no seu flickr.
A Ana usou um creme anti-acne composto por peróxido de benzoílo
Que resultou muito bem!
Bela experiência partilhada e comprovada, obrigada Ana!
Nas minhas bonecas, especialmente na Olivia, por vezes aparecem umas manchinhas
escuras causadas por nenhum motivo aparente!
Tenho bastante cuidado e nunca as deixo vestidas com jeans nem leggins coloridas e deixo-as sempre descalças (também para não deformar os pés (tenho um par de botas que deixa os pés levantados).
Mas o que é certo é que há manchas que aparecem e desaparecem do nada...
O melhor mesmo é esperar pela reacção da mancha, caso não desapareçam... sigam a dica da Ana! ;o)
Because this can happen!
Sometimes there are shoes and clothing that make up our dolls stained
and we were ... upset!
Ana had such an experience and shared with us in his flickr.
Anne wore a cream composed of anti-acne benzoyl peroxide
That worked out really good!
Beautiful shared experience and proven, thanks Ana!
In my dolls, especially Olivia, sometimes a few little spots appear
caused dark for no reason!
I am very careful and never leave dressed in jeans and colored leggins and let them always barefoot (also not to deform the feet (I have a pair of boots that let your feetraised).
But what is certain is that there are spots that appear and disappear out of nowhere ...
The best thing is to wait for the reaction of the stain, if not disappear ... follow the tip ofAnna! o)
Xoxo *
Sometimes there are shoes and clothing that make up our dolls stained
and we were ... upset!
Ana had such an experience and shared with us in his flickr.
Anne wore a cream composed of anti-acne benzoyl peroxide
That worked out really good!
Beautiful shared experience and proven, thanks Ana!
In my dolls, especially Olivia, sometimes a few little spots appear
caused dark for no reason!
I am very careful and never leave dressed in jeans and colored leggins and let them always barefoot (also not to deform the feet (I have a pair of boots that let your feetraised).
But what is certain is that there are spots that appear and disappear out of nowhere ...
The best thing is to wait for the reaction of the stain, if not disappear ... follow the tip ofAnna! o)
Xoxo *
Sempre ás ordens;)
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