Esta é a Clarinha, uma Neo Blythe "Cappuccino Chat".
Chegou até mim tal e qual como está e foi com ela que dei os 1ºs passos na customização.
This is Clarinha, a Neo Blythe "Cappuccino Chat".
Came to me just like it is and that I was with the 1 s steps in customization.
This is Clarinha, a Neo Blythe "Cappuccino Chat".
Came to me just like it is and that I was with the 1 s steps in customization.
Confesso que só tomei esta atitude depois de muitos anos e depois de muita leitura sobre o assunto.
Como para mim isto é um assunto sério resolvi ir MUITO devagar.
1º respirei bem fundo!
2º prendi o cabelo (para nao se sujar ou estragar muito)
3º protegi os olhos com papel de engenharia (pois ja recebi meninas customizadas e de olhos riscados e... não gostei!)
I confess that I only took this action after many years and after much reading on the subject.
As for me this is a serious matter I decided to go VERY slowly.
1 - deep breath!
2 - tied my hair (not to get dirty or ruin a lot)
3 - I have protected the eyes with paper engineering (for girls custom've got eyes andscratched ... not like it!)
As for me this is a serious matter I decided to go VERY slowly.
1 - deep breath!
2 - tied my hair (not to get dirty or ruin a lot)
3 - I have protected the eyes with paper engineering (for girls custom've got eyes andscratched ... not like it!)
Ok, quem percebe deve estar a perguntar-se "Porque é que não abriu a cabeça?!"
Pois é... o receio de ficar com uma boneca estragada era tal que resolvi ir pelo processo mais simples e seguro, que logo vi ser o mais complicado!!!
Peguei numa lixa muito fininha, as chamadas lixas de água e... mãos ao trabalho!
Não gosto do brilho que ela tem na face... não é natural e nas fotografias ficam horríveis!
Por isso antes de tudo... tirar o brilho e a maquilhagem (olhos, lábios e bochechas)
Demorei um tempinho, tipo horas, porque tenho a mania da perfeição e fiz tudo por tudo
para que a face ficasse lisinha, pele de pêssego, sem nenhum arranhão e isso exige... tempo e dedicação!
Os lábios deram uma trabalheira!
Os cantos e dobras tem difícil acesso e por isso temos que ser pacientes :)
Resolvi também retirar as pestanas e para isso aconselho a amolecerem-nas
com um algodão embebido em água.
Okay, who realizes he must ask himself "Why not open the head?"
Well ... the fear of getting spoiled with a doll was such that I decided to go through the process simpler and more secure, which soon saw to be the most complicated!
I got a very thin sand, called grit water e. .. hands to work!
I do not like the glow that she has the face ... is not natural and the photos are horrible!
So first of all ... remove the gloss and make up (eyes, lips and cheeks)
It took a little time, like hours, because I have the mania for perfection and dideverything to stay the face ... soft, peach skin, without a scratch and it takes ... time and dedication!
The lips have a hassle!
The corners and folds is difficult to access and therefore have to be patient:)
Well ... the fear of getting spoiled with a doll was such that I decided to go through the process simpler and more secure, which soon saw to be the most complicated!
I got a very thin sand, called grit water e. .. hands to work!
I do not like the glow that she has the face ... is not natural and the photos are horrible!
So first of all ... remove the gloss and make up (eyes, lips and cheeks)
It took a little time, like hours, because I have the mania for perfection and dideverything to stay the face ... soft, peach skin, without a scratch and it takes ... time and dedication!
The lips have a hassle!
The corners and folds is difficult to access and therefore have to be patient:)
Also decided to remove the lashes and I advise them to soften
with cotton soaked in water.
with cotton soaked in water.
E o trabalho final... foi este!
Uma nova menina*
Sem brilho, sem pestanas, com uns lábios novos e um sinal característico.
Gostei... mas não por muito tempo!
And the final work ... was this!
A new girl *
No glare, no eyelashes, with lips and a new signal characteristic.
I liked ... but not for long
A new girl *
No glare, no eyelashes, with lips and a new signal characteristic.
I liked ... but not for long
Os dias foram passando, a minha pesquisa enriquecendo e... eis que surgiu a coragem
e resolvi meter em prática toda a teoria recolhida até então.
E foi quando voltei a pegar na Clarinha e... desmonta-la!
Days went by, my research and enriching ... here comes the courage
and decided to put the theory into practice throughout collected so far.
And when I returned to pick up the Clarinha and ... dismantle it!
and decided to put the theory into practice throughout collected so far.
And when I returned to pick up the Clarinha and ... dismantle it!
Peças separadas.
Lixa na mão e daremos inicio a mais uma customização!
Desta vez foi mais... cativante!
Senti-me mais solta e confiante e o trabalho fluiu ;o)
e o resultado foi este:
Spare parts.
Sandpaper in your hand and give a start to more customization!
This time it was more ... captivating!
I felt more relaxed and confident and work flowed
and the result was this:
Sandpaper in your hand and give a start to more customization!
This time it was more ... captivating!
I felt more relaxed and confident and work flowed
and the result was this:
Mas ainda não estava perfeita...
ainda não era a menina dos meus olhos e não havia ... relação entre nós as 2!
Resolvi coloca-la disponível para quem gostasse e a quisesse.
O tempo foi passando e sempre que olhava para ela me dava uma tristeza...
Até que um dia mais calmo, a nível profissional, resolvi voltar a pegar na Clarinha.
E comecei tudo de novo!
E terminei por ter a menina que me preenche!
Estou completamente envolvida neste trabalho e hoje, só penso em adquirir
mais uma menina para poder criar mais uma personagem...
Bem... então, agora apresento-vos a nova Clarinha:
But it still was not perfect ...
was not the apple of my eye and there was ... relationship between the two of us!
I decided to put it available for those who liked and wanted.
Time passed and when she looked at me with a sadness ...
Until one day more quietly, professionally, I decided to get back in Clarinha.
And I started all over again!
And ends up being the girl that fills me!
I am completely involved in this work and today, just think of acquiring
another girl in order to create another character ...
Well .. so now I present you the new Clarinha:
was not the apple of my eye and there was ... relationship between the two of us!
I decided to put it available for those who liked and wanted.
Time passed and when she looked at me with a sadness ...
Until one day more quietly, professionally, I decided to get back in Clarinha.
And I started all over again!
And ends up being the girl that fills me!
I am completely involved in this work and today, just think of acquiring
another girl in order to create another character ...
Well .. so now I present you the new Clarinha:
Aqui a Clarinha usa uma cabeleira porque, honestamente, ainda não me dediquei aos cortes de cabelos
e havendo esta opção ... melhor ainda, assim mais versátil se torna!
Agora estou feliz com a minha nova menina*
Here Clarinha uses a wig because, honestly, I'm not devoted to hairstyles
and having this option ... better yet, just become more versatile!
Now I am happy with my new girl *
and having this option ... better yet, just become more versatile!
Now I am happy with my new girl *
Thank you!
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